Research shows a link between photo filter use and muscle dysmorphia in teens and young adults

girl mirror

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A new study conducted by researchers at the University of Toronto has revealed a significant link between the use of photo filters on social media and increased symptoms of muscle dysmorphia in adolescents and young adults in Canada. This study, which analyzed data from 912 participants from the Canadian Study of Adolescent Health Behaviors, highlights growing concerns about the impact of digital image manipulation on body image and mental health.

The findings are published in the news Body image.

The study found that the use of photo filters, which are often found on apps like Snapchat, Instagram and TikTok, is linked to greater symptomatology of muscle dysmorphia, a condition characterized by an obsessive preoccupation with muscularity, body dissatisfaction and social and functional limitations, especially among boys and men.

“Our study clearly showed that frequent photo filter use is associated with higher levels of muscle dissatisfaction and overall muscle dysmorphia symptoms,” said Kyle T. Ganson, Ph.D., MSW, the study’s lead author. “Gender in particular plays an important role, with boys and men who use photo filters showing a greater desire to increase their muscularity and social and occupational functioning challenges compared to girls and women in the study.”

The findings highlight the critical need for awareness and interventions targeting the negative effects of photo filter use on body image. With the increasing popularity of social media platforms that encourage digital image manipulation, it is critical to address how these technologies impact self-perception and mental health, especially among vulnerable youth populations.

“Our study sheds light on the often overlooked impact of photo filter use on muscle dysmorphia, especially in boys and men,” says Ganson. “As digital image manipulation becomes more sophisticated and widespread, it is essential to understand and limit the potential harm to body image and mental health.”

The study calls for further research to investigate the mechanisms driving the association between photo filter use and muscle dysmorphia. Additionally, there is a need for media literacy programs that educate youth about the potential risks of digital image manipulation and promote healthier body image practices.

More information:
Kyle T. Ganson et al., Photo filter use is associated with muscle dysmorphia symptomatology in adolescents and young adults, Body image (2024). DOI: 10.1016/j.bodyim.2024.101750

Provided by the University of Toronto

Quote: Study shows link between photo filter use and muscle dysmorphia in teens and young adults (2024, June 7), retrieved June 7, 2024 from muscle-dysmorphia .html

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