Strengthening senior well-being through generational ties


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It’s one of the most enjoyable things you can do as a parent or grandparent: watching your children have fun on the playground. But new research has shown that playing with children can improve mental health.

Researchers from the University of South Australia (UniSA) and the University of Canberra (UC) conducted research the benefits of intergenerational play through specially designed playgrounds for children and adults.

Intergenerational play brings young children and older people together to engage in fun and creative activities such as storytelling, using playground equipment and games.

The world is facing an ageing population, with the percentage of people over 60 years of age set to double and the percentage of people over 80 years of age set to triple. by 2050.

Fanke Peng, associate professor and deputy director of the Australian Research Centre for Interactive and Virtual Environments (IVE) at UniSA, says society needs more public spaces that enable integration and interaction between generations.

“There is a social divide between older and younger people, leaving little room for meaningful interaction outside the family and classrooms,” she says.

“This age-related segregation causes feelings of isolation and social alienation, which in turn can lead to depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts and cognitive decline in older adults.”

“Creating a playground that is designed for children and their parents and grandparents promotes intergenerational play and leads to positive mental health outcomes.”

During workshops on co-designing play spaces hosted by the researchers, participants aged 65 and over discussed the benefits of spending time with children and what a shared space might look like in their community.

Participants also reflected on their preferred play experience, their experiences playing with children and what elements they would like to see or need in an intergenerational playground.

“[Spending time with children is] also good for my health. And my well-being. And it’s the participation. [That’s really] important,” said one participant. “Playing with the kids also makes you feel young. It gives you a sense of satisfaction that you haven’t lost those skills.”

Some participants noted the need for accessible amenities, such as shaded seating, water and toilets, and play equipment that is easy for older adults to use but also meets the needs of children.

According to Associate Professor Peng, there are barriers that make it harder for older people to play, such as social attitudes and the stigma that playing is only for children.

Removing these barriers is crucial to promoting interaction between generations and addressing mental health issues in older adults, she says.

“Designing a space where children and older people can connect is essential to breaking the social stigma that prevents people from playing in their older years,” she says.

“We know that people feel that it is not appropriate to go to playgrounds or participate in children’s activities, which limits the opportunities for intergenerational play.

“By creating these shared spaces for seniors to participate in, we bridge the generation gap and care for the community.”

Teacher Peng wrote the chapter ‘We want to play too’ in the book Design for Dementia, Mental Health and Well-being.

More information:
Book: Design for dementia, mental health and well-being

Offered by University of South Australia

Quote: The Power of Play: Strengthening Senior Well-Being Through Generational Bonds (2024, August 21) Retrieved August 22, 2024 from

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