Summer blues: Seasonal affective disorder in summer

Seasonal affective disorder isn’t just a winter thing. The scorching summer heat can also give you summer blues.

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) typically affects people in the winter, when it is almost dark and gloomy with reduced exposure to daylight. However, some people experience similar symptoms, feeling sad and tired even in summer. Coincidentally, a lack of sunshine isn’t always the cause of the blues. People may also experience something called summer blues. Some of the SAD symptoms can be felt by people in the summer months, when the transition from cold to hot weather can drop mood in many dire ways.

If you feel like you are suffering from summer blues or summer seasonal affective disorder, let us tell you what it is and how to deal with summer blues.

Symptoms of summer seasonal affective disorder

Temperature changes have long been associated with physiological and associated psychological changes. When the ambient temperature reaches extreme values, people experience related physiological changes and these can have a strong impact on the psyche. Extremely low temperatures and cold winters, along with a lack of sunlight exposure, have been shown to be linked to sad mood and low energy levels for daily activities. Similarly, rising temperatures have been linked to increased irritability and mood swings, says psychologist Geetika Kapoor.

summer blues
Seasonal affective disorders can also strike in the summer. Here’s everything you need to know about summer blues. Image courtesy: Adobe Stock

Some of the signs of concern to look out for include:

• Irritability
• Tension
• Changes in appetite
• Low energy levels
• Having problems focusing
• Changes in sleep patterns
• Feeling of hopelessness
• Inability to relax
• Staying aloof on your own
• Less interest in social engagement with others

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What causes summer blues?

A major trigger for winter SAD is a large drop in natural daylight exposure, which is thought to interfere with our body’s built-in circadian rhythm. It also hinders our brain’s ability to process serotonin, a mood-affecting chemical. But even when there is enough sunlight in summer, people tend to feel gloomy. So light is not always the problem.

So, what contributes to SAD in the summer? Let’s find out!

1. Disrupted routines

It is said that sticking to a certain routine to instill discipline is crucial in managing depression symptoms. But excess heat outside can hinder our usual routine and ruin the way we live our daily lives. Disrupted routines can therefore be an important cause of summer blues.

2. Excessive heat outside

The peak months of summer always mean unbearable temperatures. This sudden spike in outdoor temperatures causes more people to move indoors, leading to less indulgence in mood-boosting exercise. Also, people suffering from mental health problems such as depression, anxiety or schizophrenia notice worsened symptoms in hot weather.

3. Social pressure

The winter months are the best times to hibernate and cocoon in the cozy indoor areas. Moreover, due to the excessive cold outside, people avoid the urge to socialize. But as the season turns to summer, people are hosting soirées and feeling the social pressure taking a toll on their mental health.

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summer blues
The summer months can also evoke feelings of sadness. Yes, we mean summer blues! Image courtesy: Adobe Stock

How to deal with summer blues?

Knowing the impact that extreme temperatures can have on us, it is advisable to pay attention to these changes and proactively prepare to mitigate these effects. Some tactics you can try include:

1. Awareness is key

Create awareness about your own individual vulnerabilities. Everyone is unique in terms of body resilience and endurance. It is useful to keep track of one’s own history and build acceptance of one’s own capabilities and thresholds. This way we can anticipate and be prepared for the coming temperature-related shifts, the expert believes.

Also read: Are you feeling sad? Here are 7 signs of seasonal affective disorder to look out for

2. Practice kindness toward yourself and others

Stay aware of temperament differences between family members and coworkers. People exist in groups. All individuals influence the others. That’s why we need to be on the lookout for how others are affected by extreme weather temperatures. We all need to work on regulating the emotional impact on ourselves and others around us.

3. Consider treatment for pre-existing psychiatric conditions

People diagnosed as suffering from psychiatric conditions would be more vulnerable to extreme temperatures and should contact their treating doctors and therapists about precautions and changes in the course of treatment if necessary, the expert suggests.

4. Provide physical comfort

Deliberately maintaining comfortable temperatures in rooms and environments can go a long way toward mitigating the negative effects of extreme heat. If the outside heat bothers you, try to stay indoors in cooler temperatures and only go outside if it is urgent. Try to maintain a cool environment indoors using equipment such as air conditioners.

5. Ensure adequate fluid intake

Keeping yourself hydrated and well nourished can help regulate physical comfort and energy. A common physiological effect of rising temperatures is water loss due to increased transpiration. To make up for that fluid loss, you must drink more every day during those months.

6. Watch what you wear

Some cloth materials help regulate body temperature better than others. Wear breathable and light fabrics such as cotton or muslin that provide air circulation. If you go outside, make sure you wear clothes that cover your body, to avoid skin problems that can also cause anxiety.